The Way of the Leader

camino coaching
"Life self-organizes. Networks, patterns, and
structures emerge without external
imposition or direction.
Organization wants to happen."

Margaret Wheatley
" Ask not what the world needs
Ask what makes you come alive
...then go and do it.

Because what the world needs
Is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman

Coaching and Leadership:

In our complex world, uncertainty reigns and it is not possible any longer to plan the future based on past behaviours. Small changes in initial conditions can produce a wide range of results

What is a leader?
The leader is not the one who commands or controls anymore. 
  • He or she is a facilitator, a motivator and a visionaryThe title or status is not enough.
  • Organisations need to be flexible, and alive. People in it, need to be fully alive too.
  • Before leading others, one has to be able to lead oneself
  • Leading is not only about giving directions or setting a vision, it is also about creating a space, space for learning, space for creativity, space for possibilities.

Knowing oneself :
One may not know much about the future but one needs to know oneself well. Everybody has blind spots, limiting beliefs, hot buttons.
Coaching can help to :
  • Explore the current mindset and mental models 
  • Create a space to listen to body signals, emotions and feelings 
  • Trust our intuition beyond facts and numbers.

Leading others :
Only by being truly who one is, and by one's presence, a leader can motivate others and achieve results. 

Being able to listen to others implies that she has already listened to her deeper needs, discover herself so that she can be humble, authentic and speak a language of truth when talking to others
"Thus, the task is not so much to see
what no one yet has seen,
but to think what nobody yet has thought
about that which everybody sees."


It is a journey, journey to oneself and then journey to a wider system.

Leading in an Eco-System :Otto Scharmer talks of the path from Ego-System to Eco-system Economies (Leading from the Emerging Futures, BK Publishers, 2013).
Beyond, observations and reflections, it is sensing and presencing which allow the future to emerge so that we can act.
A. Einstein famously said: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
It requires to go to a deeper level within oneself and also to encompass a wider context in our reflection.
And also: "When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking".
Hence we need both sides of the brain, the right and the left, our whole body system, heart and head, body and soul.

Connecting to a deeper source within one self, then connecting to others lead to connecting to the world.

Margaret Wheatley said in A Simpler Way (BK Publishers, 1996):
"We have to journey to a different world and see our organisations with new eyes. We have to understand that we live in a world of emergence. When we join together, new capacities always greet us.""

Leadership and the Earth :
I already mentioned the importance of nature (see Nature's way)
Only by following our true nature, can we become respectful of the Earth and succeed in managing a sustainable future.
Being in nature, walking and feeling life around us helps reconnect to the source of life within.

Tim Macartney in Finding Earth, Finding soul : The invisible path to authentic leadership  (Mona Books, 2007) ask three questions:

  • What is that I most profoundly love?
  • What are my deepest and profound gifts?
  • What are my deepest and most profound responsabilities?

authentic living
"Your mind knows only some things
our inner voice, your instinct knows everything.
If you listen to what you know instinctively,
It will always lead you to the right path."
Henry Winkler.